She woke up one morning and realized three months had pasted,yet she had nothing good to show for all that time. She had always thought she would conquer her fears and start one day at a time but clearly those three months went in a blink of an eye

How the time flies. Her mother a very eloquent and hardworking woman made a phone call and at the end of the phone call she told the person on the other line “I will talk to my daughter then get back to you”

She did talk to her and made her see the sense of doing something useful with her time. They both agreed she would go out and start another small course,something that could add bulk to her papers. She knew her mother was right and she acknowledged that what she had needed all those months was for someone to shake her off her comfort zone and push her.

As I write this she is on her way to regestire for that course. She feels contented in her heart that she was pushed the right path.

How the time flies

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